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"Infopreneurs change the world through knowledge - one click at a time"
100,000 Infopreneurs.
Infopreneurs empower others through education & training to help them accomplish their goals. We change the world through knowledge - one click at a time. I've helped over 10,000 infopreneurs start and grow their first online business. 

But it's a long journey ahead.

I want to empower 100,000 infopreneurs to grow their own online business and change the lives of others through the power of education, learning, training, and knowledge.

Imagine 100,000 infopreneurs each helping 10,000 people reach their goals in life, business, health, and more.

That's 1,000,000,000 (yes, Billion with a capital "B") lives changed through the power of sharing knowledge and ideas.
JayKay Dowdall
JayKay lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and works with clients across the globe to help them grow their online business.

Whether you're a digital marketer, blogger, YouTuber, or social influencer JayKay can help increase your reach, sales, and results.
"The Moment JayKay Releases Content He Has My Attention Because Every Lesson I've Learned Has Moved My Business Forward..."

10x Infopreneur Podcast Episodes

Instant Gratification...
Desire to make money, get more leads, more sales, more traffic, more influence and... well, more of anything has been helped by our societies focused on Instant Gratification...

But has it really helped? Or is instantly gratifying yourself more of a hindrance?
MARCH 02 2020
$10,000 in 45mins or less!
No I haven't completely lost my senses to try and pitch you on an exciting "business opportunity" that yields MASSIVE results in minimal time...

Instant Gratification is our topic of the day on this episode of the 10x Infopreneur Podcast.

Yes, instantly gratifying yourself with a binge-watch-marathon of Game of Thrones feels good - as does searching Tinder for a a match - but Instant gratification can provide a pretty damning result in your growing business...

...It did for me.

Let me help you overcome the swirling hurricane of Instant Gratification on your journey to become an Infopreneur by telling you the secret to ending the cycle that keeps most Infopreneur's locked in a world of consumption rather than action.
If your business is a vehicle to help move you closer to your goals, dreams, ambitions, and success thresholds, then leads surely are the fuel that make the vehicle move.

But is there a better way to view lead generation than just "fuel"?
February 20 2020
Leads are the wonderful fuel that helps move your business forward...

...but at what cost?

I've been the infopreneur who becomes a lead-generation company with one client: Myself.

It's an unhealthy mindset that leads to a slippery slope.

Leads offer you the sales, revenue, and growth that helps move your business forward, but is there a new perspective that helps put this idea of "lead generation" secondary to providing customers with the best possible experience?

And if so, does this mean you get more leads?

That's our topic for today's episode of the 10x Inforpreneur podcast!
Laziness is costing the world approx. $67.5Bil per year according to The Lancet - a UK Medical journal.

Our addiction to sloth is costing us opportunities, our health, and our dreams to slip away.

How best to overcome laziness? That's our topic in today's 10x Infopreneur Podcast

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

February 14 2020
the solution to LAZINESS
Motivation is an awkward friend with benefits.

It's never there when you need it, but somehow finds you in the middle of the night before you head to sleep.

How many times have you felt that surge of motivation while laying in bed, in the car, on the couch and feel greatness stir inside you...

...Only to have it abandon you when you need it most?

It's time to break that relationship with motivation, kick it to the curb, and find a new way to stir that greatness inside you.

In this week's episode I'll give you an exercise that will help you overcome procrastination and laziness and let you tap into instant motivation.
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